- We recall more of items, which are associated by repetitions sense, rhyming etc and more of things which are outstanding or unique
- Information that can be reconstructed can be remembered if the information is understood in the first place. When memorizing information continually ask yourself: how can I recall the information back if I forget it through reconstruction?
- Real information is remembered more than abstract ones. This is because, it can be pictured and pictures are more remembered than words. Visual memory is very strong and that is why there is emphasis on visual learning tools like diagram, chart, sketch, cartoon, learning maps and graphs. The brain goes through hard time remembering abstract ideas or isolated facts.
- Apart from pictures, the brain stores there other things very well; the brain stores patterns, rhymes and stories. Mnemonics is a Greek word for memory aid in which experts find ways of linking isolated facts or abstract ideas with something they already know or with a picture, pattern, rhyme or story which is easier to remember. Using any of these, remembering becomes a snap. Modern memory experts have mastered how to use these hooks to perform circus stunts like memorising the whole book of psalms and proverbs.
- In order to remember well, we must create strong associations, connections or hook. Information linked to things you already know or with a hook becomes easily remembered. Linking new information you are learning with the old one you remember is part of building understanding. However, if you can’t find logical connection any other method adopted for remembering can serve. If the link is illogical, make it crazier, wackier or wielder. The more bizarre it is, the easier it is to remember. i.e. if you are trying to remember that water at sea level boils at 100 degrees centigrade, and 100 happen to be the ending part of your phone number, you can remember this abstract number by imagining , throwing your phone inside boiling sea.