It’s July! The month of examinations, end of the school year, result sheets, prize-giving day, long vacation and the fear of every student – promotion to the next class!!
If you are a student or have been one, you definitely know what I am talking about. Together with all the fears associated with it like the ones below:
1. Like when you receive your result sheet, and you see “Promoted to ….”
In fact, you would sing and dance at the same time! “It isn’t easy”, many fell by the wayside you know
2. When you have been “Promoted on trial”
Yes o, I will dance! After all, half bread is better than puff-puff.
3. When you have to repeat a class
And you are thinking of the shame of sitting in the same class with your juniors, and what you will face at home
4. When you have your long vacation all planned – you know, maximum fun, visiting with family and friends, just plain lazing around – but your parents want to enroll you for summer coaching
Daddy, Mummy, what did I do that you cannot find it in your heart to forgive me?
5. When a certain boy or girl keeps getting called for prizes – Best in this, Best in that, Overall best student – and you just want to do this…
Wetin? Na only you waka come
6. When you try to explain to your parents why your result is poor, but their reply to you is….
Answer me. Do your classmates with good results have two heads? No be mama born dem? Oya give me your hand.
What do you think? Did we get you?