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8 Scientific Ways that Show He Likes You

It’s not strange for a girl to ask herself, or her girlfriends how to know if a guy likes them. While there are no set rules about how to go about knowing this, you may consider these scientific ways that give you the much sought-for pointers. And if you like, they have been fool-proofed by the rigour of scientific study (?)

Consider the 8.

1. He Walks At The Same Pace As You

Research found that men will match their pace with a woman when they are in love. The study found that when men walked with women they loved, they walked at the same pace as them – they sped up or walked more slowly to match their partner. The men didn’t do this when walking with female friends. It didn’t only happen when they were holding hands, either. Pay attention to his pace the next time you two are walking together.

2. He Is Always Facing You

Not surprisingly, a guy who likes you will make sure he is facing you when you two are together. One researcher says that when a guy is into you, his toes will point at you and line up with your own toes. So, if he faces his body directly at yours every time you two talk, that’s a good sign!

3. He Has Sweaty Palms Around You

Sweaty hands means you are nervous, but it’s also a physiological sign of attraction. If the dude you are talking to has sweaty palms, that’s a good sign that he’s into you. It may be hard to notice, though.

4. He Speaks In A Lower-Pitched Voice

A sure sign of female attraction is her speaking in a high-pitched voice. Similarly, a sign of male attraction is if he speaks in a lower-pitched voice than he normally does. Research has found that both male and females change their voices when talking to people they are attracted to. Again, this might be hard to notice, but it’s true!

5. He Imitates You

Have you ever heard of the phrase “imitation is the highest form of flattery?” Turns out, it’s true in more ways than one. When a guy is really into you, he will start subconsciously doing what you do – he’ll match his actions to yours. According to recent study, this is a big sign that he likes you. So if you notice that he starts saying the same things you say or matching his gestures to yours, great!

6. He Fidgets When Talking To You

You have probably heard that when a woman touches her hair when talking to a guy, that means she’s flirting. Well, the same goes for dudes – if they like you, they will probably touch their hair while talking to you. He will also be fidgeting a lot – it’s a sign of attraction and nervousness.

7. He Maintains Eye Contact For A Long Time

Obviously, high levels of eye contact mean someone likes you. The more eye contact there is and the longer it goes on for, the more he likes you. Of course, sometimes it can be hard to maintain eye contact when you are nervous, but if he does it, that means he likes you.

8. He Tells You His Secrets

Dudes don’t confide in just anyone. Guys will tell you their secrets and confide in you when they have deeper feelings for you. So if he’s spilling his feelings to you, take that as a great sign.

Satisfied? I sure hope they were the answers you were looking for.

See Also: 4 Body Language Signs that Show They are TOTALLY into You

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