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#PNN E-MENTORING: 7 Habits of Financially Intelligent People – 4

Continued from here

Habit four simply says “Think Win-Win”. The bottom line of this habit is the ability to always seek for everyone to win or benefit in every situation; whether business, friendship, career, school, play, etc. The business/career scene today is full of a lot of corruption all over the world, people are always looking for legitimate and illegitimate ways to take advantage of other people. But we must understand that in life, in the end, you reap what you sow.

Note that the most successful people have money, health, good friends, family and a healthy relationship with God and their community. Wealth is not only about the money. So if you have a habit of always wanting to take advantage of people as you engage in business with them, you create a negative energy around you, and you won’t be attractive to people. Always seek out the best combination – WIN-WIN, not WIN-LOSE, LOSE-WIN or LOSE-LOSE. Seek to win, but also look out for the benefit of your partner, customer or client.

As a matter of fact, thinking win-win is a more creative way to think. Thinking to win for yourself alone is easy, but when you begin to consider others in addition to yourself, you think more deeply, widely and end up coming up with more creative ideas and solutions. Mark Zukerberg for example, created Facebook for people to interact easily with their friends and family via pictures, videos and words. It was such a win for hundreds of millions of people, that it made him a multi-billionaire at a young age.

What ideas, career or business plans do you have today? If you want more wholesome success, endeavor to only think win-win. Make it a goal, that it is either WIN-WIN or nothing!

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