
Dating: When is it Most Appropriate? (2)

Yesterday, we treated this topic in the light of defining you purpose before considering the appropriateness of you dating. Click here to read the part 1

Today, we shall continue and conclude by considering one more question.

What is your age?

Consider, how did you feel about the opposite sex when you were five years old? How do you feel about the opposite sex now that you are a teenager? You would agree that now, you are more aware of the opposite sex than you were when you were still a kid.

At what age do you think it’s most appropriate for an individual to date? Some people are of the notion that 18 is appropriate for girls while 21 is ideal for boys. Others say despite the age, you can date as long as you can handle a relationship. Do you trust yourself to handle a romantic relationship?

DID YOU KNOW ? A recent study reveals that teenage parents give birth to children with genetic defects.

The teenage years are the years of evolution from childhood to adulthood. The teenage stage is transitory. As a preteen or teen, your body is undergoing a lot of physical, hormonal and physiological changes. The way you felt about a crush two years ago is different from the way you feel about him today. Your emotions and personality is still developing and not stable, it will therefore not be appropriate for you to hurry to a decision of whom you want to share romance with. This is because few years from now, you feelings and idea about life would change and you may no longer find yourself compatible with your boyfriend/girlfriend. This will lead to a breakup – a surefire way of fanning the embers for an unstable marriage relationship.

DID YOU KNOW Numerous studies indicate that a couple who marry under the age of 20 are likely to divorce within five years.

As a teenager you are at the stage when sexual feelings and emotions are very strong. To maintain close association with one particular member of the opposite sex while you’re still in this phase can fan the flame of desire and lead to wrong conduct. It is wise to wait till you have passed the overwhelming stage of puberty and when you have come to understand yourself.

So, as stated in the first part of this article, your purpose for dating must be honourable. Secondly, you should be patient till you are mature enough.

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