A song by a popular artiste goes: “Thunders only happen when it’s raining, players only love you when they are playing….” Do you not see the truth in those words? Here are the top 8 signs that bae is a total player. Remember too that this is applicable to both boys and girls.
1. When you try to DTR , he claims he doesn’t like labels
In case you were wondering, DTR means Define The Relationship. Usually, if a guy doesn’t want to put a label on your relationship, it’s so they can get away with hanging out with other girls. And then when you find out about it, he’ll tell you that it’s not cheating, and that you can’t get mad, because you’re not technically his GF.
2. He wants to keep your relationship a secret
If he doesn’t want you to tell people that you guys are a thing and refuses to go out with you in public, it’s probably because he doesn’t want the other girls he’s flirting with to find out about you.
4. He never likes your pics on Instagram
Instead, he’ll text you right after you post to tell you that you “look hot” in your selfie. Because if it didn’t happen on social media, it didn’t happen at all!
5. He is very easy with the girls
You may begin to wonder if he’s the nicest guy in school. And if that were true, why only the girls? Perhaps he could also give of his time to the really poor and needy in the society? Don’t we agree they need some TLC the most?
6. He turns his phone away from you when he texts
You never even try to look at his texts, but he’s still overly protective of his phone. It probably means there’s something in there he doesn’t want you to see.
7. Most of his likes on Twitter are from girls you don’t know
And the girls you do know are ones you’ve never seen him talk to IRL (in real life). So why are they all liking a vague tweet about the last football game? #shady
8. He’s on his phone 24/7 when you’re together but then he takes forever to text you back
Taking a break from your phone can be good, so don’t freak if he takes a while to respond sometimes. But if it’s a regular occurrence, he might be spending his time with someone else. Time to bounce.
Did Tunde, Farouk or Azubuike cut the picture? Well, you can thank me later. (sorry guys for bursting your bubble)