1. The first time you saw your crush, I:
Thought he/she was cute, but was most attracted to their personality.
Was seriously attracted to them.
Wanted them to notice me.
2. How long have you been hanging out with your crush?
Not at all. I just wish it would happen!
We hang out all the time — sometimes in groups and sometimes just the two of us.
We always end up hanging out when we see each other at parties or in the hallways, but we’ve never hung out just the two of us.
3. If your crush isn’t at school, you:
Feel disappointed.
Text them to see how they’re feeling and if they need you to get their assignments from their teachers.
DM them a cute “get well” message.
4. Why do you want to date your crush?
We’d make the cutest couple… you know, if they knew I was alive.
You are both into the same things, and they’re funny and considerate.
Because of their looks.
5. The thing I like best about them is:
Their body and/or beautiful face.
That are into the same extra-curricula activities as me.
How they always make me laugh.
6. When your crush does something that’s not cool, you:
Tell them to their face. You feel comfortable letting them know if their behavior bothers you.
Seriously reconsider whether you like them.
Ignore it. Even when they act like jerk, you can’t help but like them.
7. How does your crush act toward you?
Super flirty.
Really sweet — they always ask how I am, and check in about things they know are important to me.
Like I don’t exist. He/she probably doesn’t even know my name.
8. Your feelings for your crush…
Are probably not reciprocated — you’ve barely ever spoken.
Get stronger the more you hang out.
Seem to lose their intensity when you hang out for long periods of time.
9. Sometimes I secretly feel like:
If we dated in real life, it would never be as amazing as it is in my head.
I don’t know if I’m really that into them.
I might blurt out “I love you” when I’m with them.
10. When you get a message from him, you:
Freak out because he’s never messaged you before.
Wait at least an hour to reply so he doesn’t think you’re desperate and so you can craft the perfect chill response with your besties.
Message him something cute back. You’re always happy to hear from him even if it’s just to say “hi”.
11. When you daydream about your crush in class, what do you fantasize about?
Want him to hide his weaknesses, fears, or insecurities from me.
Want to be around him and watch him.
That you will fit just right into his world, like the missing piece of the puzzle
12. You hope your crush:
Secretly has a crush on you too.
Asks you out.
Likes you as much as you like him.
So what is it? True love or random crush? Do tell!