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5 Totally Fun Teenage Party Games

If I could take a peek into your mind; I am sure I will find you doing somersaults, and dancing because yeah! TGIF!! The best way to make the most of it is to live it up, and how better than parties and get-together where you can play these indescribably fun games.

1. I Never

Sit in a circle and give everyone a pile of 20 pieces of candy.  Go around the circle saying things that you’ve never done – for instance, “I’ve never travelled on a plane” or “I’ve never stayed up all night.” After every statement, anyone who’s done that thing eats a piece of their candy.  Whoever eats all their candy first is the winner (though you may not be able to tell if they are saying the truth!), but it’s all fun.

2. Baby, Do You Love Me?

Sit in a circle and let one person be “It.”  “It” picks someone in the circle, sits on their lap and says, “Baby, if you love me, smile.”  The other person has to respond, “I love you, baby, but I just can’t smile!” If they crack a smile when they say it, they become “It.”  If they don’t smile, the person in the center has to pick a new lap to sit on and try again.

3. Two Truths and a Lie

This game is good for playing with people you don’t know that well. Everyone takes a turn saying three statements about themselves – two that are true, and one that’s a lie.  The rest of the group has to guess which one’s the lie.

4. Name That Tune

Build a music playlist with songs that your friends have probably heard before.  Press “play” (either at the beginning or the middle of the song), and call on whoever raises their hand the fastest to guess the name of the song.  If they guess right, they get a point; if they guess wrong, they lose a point.  Whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins.

5. Freeze

This is an improvisation game that’s more fun when your party’s made up of creative people who like to get it up. Two people get up on “stage,” and the rest of the group shouts out a situation (like, “buying a puppy”), and a relationship (like, “husband and wife”) that they have to improvise a scene around.

At any time, someone in the audience can yell, “Freeze!” and both performers have to freeze in place. Then the one who yelled “freeze!” taps one of the performers on the shoulder, replaces them and starts a new scene, based on a new situation that the audience make up. The game keeps going until everyone has a turn on stage.

I am positive you will have a blast! See you on the other side of the weekend.


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