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Grammar Clinic: Letter Writing (Informal Letter)

An Informal letter is a personal letter written to someone we are familiar with. An informal letter can be written for any reason or purpose. An informal letter is also called personal letter, the recipient could be your friend, sibling or other family member.

An Informal letter is just a written means of communication. When writing an Informal letter, there are no real strict rules to follow unless you’re writing it in an examination.

You are allowed to make use of slang, abbreviations and codes when writing an Informal letter.

You can afford to be casual and friendly. There is no limit to pleasantries.

This is an example of an informal letter.


I had to leave after waiting for 2 hours, but you promised to be back in only 10 minutes! Hmm, it’s so typical of you to be disappointing. I kept the keys under the rugs. Keep your big head out of trouble till I’m back. Lol. XOXO

However, if you’re asked to write an Informal letter in an examination, there is a format you need to use. Here are the steps to follow:

Your Address and date:  In an informal letter, this should be written at the top right corner of the page and the date should follow.

5 Adeniran Street

Oriola busstop


Ketu, Lagos

23 November 2015

Salutation: It could be the recipient name, nickname or short greeting. E.g Dear John, Johny, Hey, Hi, Hello

Related Posts: Grammar Clinic: The REAL Difference Between Formal And Informal Letter

Introduction: Greetings and pleasantries


How are you doing? I got your letter last week, so you’ve made up your mind concerning which course to study, cool. I have some really juicy gist for you and I bet you’ll be shocked when you’re done reading this.

Body: The second paragraph should convey whatever it is you want to get across, in details.

Conclusion: The last paragraph of an Informal letter should be conclusive, a summary of what you’ve been writing about.

Complementary Close  In an  Informal letter, you are not required to sign, just the complimentary close and your name. This goes at the bottom of the letter. Yours sincerely is always acceptable, followed by your name or nickname. Variations are possible for very close relationships e.g. Your friend, Your sister, Lots of love, etc.


Yours Sincerely


Also Read: Grammar Clinic: Letter Writing (Formal Letter)

Informal Letter Features

1. Your address

Top right hand corner, properly punctuated with full stops and commas

2. Addressee

Do NOT include the name, position and address of the addressee

3. Date

Below your address, you may follow either style as of formal letters

4. Salutation

Depending on the circumstances and relationship,  Dear (first name/nickname) is appropriate

5. Subject of the letter


6. Body of the letter

Paragraphs should be indented. The style should be appropriate: use colloquial language, abbreviations, jokes etc

7. Complimentary Close

This goes at the bottom of the letter. Yours sincerely is always acceptable, followed by your name or nickname. Variations are possible for very close relationships e.g. Your friend, Your sister, Lots of love, etc.

Essay Writing: Informal Letter

How To Write an Informal Letter

Even when writing an  Informal letter, it is a good idea to arrange your ideas fairly clearly. Informal letters vary quite a bit in the way they are set out, but this general frame work usually works.




Bear in mind AMPS when writing an Informal letter. AMPS stands for Audience, Medium, Purpose and Style.

Taking AMPS into account will affect the way you write your letter.

A (Audience): Who are you writing your letter to? In this  case, you are writing to a personal friend: your relationship with that friend has a direct impact on how you write.

M (Medium): In this case, a letter.

P (Purpose): What is your purpose? Why are you writing the letter? What is the letter for?

S (Style): What style of writing is therefore appropriate: semi-formal or informal?

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Informal Letter
Informal Letter

12 thoughts on “Grammar Clinic: Letter Writing (Informal Letter)”

  1. Is it proper to write an informal letter to your boss in advance as thankful message preparing him that you intend to give your resignation very soon due to family situation so he can have more time to look for your replacement rather than giving him the one month notice which the company policy requires.

    1. Dear Raine,

      While I am not an authority on this, I don’t think it would be a bad idea if due to a family situation you have to leave earlier than the one month notification required by policy. Though, some companies’ policy includes that you will have to forfeit your salary for that month; if this seems fine by you, or if your boss is magnanimous enough to work out a payment plan, then you should go ahead.

      You should ensure though, that you leave the company in good terms with Management and all involved, should your paths intersect in the future.

      Best Wishes.

  2. Nice lectures dear. I’m so happy going through ur articles kuz i jst got exactly wat I wanted from the examples. *muaah!

  3. That is an interesting site and it is a good platform to learn letter writing. It helped me a lot, so I say thanks a million.

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