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Grammar Clinic: Letter Writing {Semi – Formal Letter}


There are occasions when you will need to write someone a semi-formal letter.Usually, this will be a letter that you need to write to someone older than yourself but usually on a private of family matter.

A Semi-formal letter is type of that is sent to someone you know, but do not share cordial relationship with. A Semi-formal letter is also used in non-formal relationship, but which requires polite and respectful approach (e.g. a school teacher, school principal, etc.). Semi-formal letter is in-between Formal and Informal letter. Meaning, it is written in more polite tone compared to Informal letter.

Features of Semi-Formal Letter

1. Address (Top Right): Write the return address (your own address) followed by the date at the right hand side.

2. Salutation: “Dear Mrs Lucy” is perfect, If you do not know the name of the recipient, you may write the position as in “Dear Sir” or “Dear Madam”

Related Posts: Grammar Clinic: Letter Writing (Formal Letter)

3. Introduction: The introductory sentence should not be too formal or informal. For example:

I thoroughly enjoyed the meeting we had on the 1st of April about the position of an account officer in your company. I was impressed in the industriousness I observed in your workers and I am confident I will fit in.

4. Body: Think about the body of your letter. Devote about four clear, direct and specific paragraphs to the body, and present only one main idea per paragraph.

Related post: Grammar Clinic: Letter Writing (Informal letter)

5. Write the appropriate closing: Closings range from more formal to less formal: “Respectfully yours,” “Yours very truly,” “Yours truly,” “Sincerely yours,” “Sincerely,” “Yours sincerely,” “Cordially,” “Best regards” “Warmest regards” “Best wishes” and “Best.”

6. Follow the complimentary close with your signature and your name.

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Sample of Semi-Formal Letter
Sample of Semi-Formal Letter

Note these points about Mary’s Letter

1. The address and date

Notice the position and layout of the address. Here are some examples of the way dates should be written:
1st February, 2007  2nd May, 2006  3rd July, 2009  

2. The salutation

We usually start letters with Dear….
Note that in more affectionate forms: My dear Lizzy, the word dear does not start with capital letter (Compare Dear Elizabeth)

3. The body of the letter

The letter is laid out in well-organised paragraphs. There is an indentation at the beginning of each paragraph. Remember, marks are awarded for sensible paragraphing.

4. The style of the letter

The language of the letter is semi-formal: it is very like ordinary speech, but a little more grammatical. The semi-formal features of the letter include the following. Can you find some examples in the letter?

  • Informal expressions like don’t panic, etc
  • Contracted forms like I’m and here’s.
  • The use of dashes and Exclamation marks.

5. Ending the letter

The last paragraph of a letter should ’round it off’ in a suitable way, and send greetings. The usual way of signing off is with the phrase Yours sincerely and your signature.

6. The signature

With semi-formal letter and informal letter, you just write your given name. You do not print your full name under the signature in semi-formal or informal letters – they know who you are!

Mary’s Letter


Semi Formal Letter Summary

1. Your address

Top right hand corner, properly punctuated with full stops and commas

2. Addressee

Do NOT include the name, position and address of the addressee

3. Date

Below your address, you may follow either style as of formal letters

4. Salutation

Depending on the relationship, any of the following might be appropriate: Dear Mr/Dr/Mrs (name), Dear (first name)

5. Subject of the letter


6. Body of the letter

Paragraphs should be indented. The style should be appropriate for semi-formal letters.

7. Complimentary Close

This goes at the bottom of the letter. Yours sincerely is always acceptable, followed by your name.


16 thoughts on “Grammar Clinic: Letter Writing {Semi – Formal Letter}”

  1. Ijeoma Olisekebe

    I find this really helpful in the preparation of my lesson notes. Simply put: you rock!
    Please keep me posted always.

  2. I have a question, is signing required? I saw it somewhere and I think it’s inappropriate to sign in a letter I wrote to my uncle. Please help.

  3. I must say , your write up is an amazing one , as far as the subject is concerned. Thank you so much Madam.

  4. Comment…I need more explaination because in some books that I read,I made to understand that semi formal letter has two address

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