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5 Totally Bad Habit You Should Kick to the Kerb in 2016

Resolutions are one thing. Habit kicking is a whole different ball game. This year, instead of promising to do things that are somewhat out of reach, or vague; try to focus on a few important things you want to change.

Think back over the past year — what habits do you have that bring you down in the long run? What do you do that brings toxicity into your life? They may not be the most obvious, but sometimes the habits we just get lazy and forget about are the worst for us.

The first step to kicking a habit is identifying it and making a plan. Now, do any of these habits sound a little bit familiar?

1. Being jealous of other people’s lives on social media

How many times have you seen someone’s latest pictures, read their posts, or seen the number of Comments or Likes on their thread and felt sorry for yourself; because much isn’t going on in your life or that your life isn’t as fun-filled and interesting?

Studies have shown that Social media is addictive, can make one feel extremely inadequate, and can even make one actively unhappy. The truth is, a lot of what you see on social media isn’t true — and we don’t just mean pictures that are on “fleek” and the oh-my-life-is-so-perfect narrative people would like you to believe.

People are literally starting to alter what they look like, and make their stories increasingly more captivating to gain approval from followers, and a few more Likes, Shares, Mentions and Follows. This year, pledge to take everything you see on social media with a pinch of salt. It is what it is – virtual reality – it’s not the real thing!

2. Beating yourself up because you are not the vision of that hot model with the perfect body

Everyone is different, and it’s cool to be yourself.

Resist the tempting urge to compare yourself to crazy, most likely airbrushed models; some of whom are near-starving just so they can achieve that lithe figure you so desire. Or who have become exercise junkies just so their perfect bodies are always ready for the paparazzi’s camera.

Relish your freedom, and make 2016 your strongest, most confident year yet.

3. Watching TV instead of reading

Oops! The last thing you wanted to hear? Tough. Deep down everyone knows it’s true — reading is relaxing, reduces stress, and improves your vocabulary. Of course we all want to Keep up with the Kardashians, and watch the latest episodes of our favourite series; but it’s important to take time to stretch your mind.

It doesn’t have to be a book either. When’s the last time you read a newspaper, or a whole magazine cover to cover? (yes, you can do this on your phone at no cost!) Reading is a pleasure, it’s just easy to forget that with the TV always on!

4. Wasting money on unnecessary purchases

Are you one of those who spends, spends, spends – usually above their means -, and not saving any money? Truth is that true happiness will not come from the things you have, and that’s the reason you want more!  This year, try to prioritize things that will actually last. Even better, try to save. Hard in the short term, but awesome in the long run.

5. Bad Posture
You shouldn’t need a reason to break this bad habit, but if you do, here it is. New research shows that all the time you spend staring down at your phones is terrible for your posture. All that time spent with your necks at an unnatural angle could lead to – wait for it – humps on your backs later on in life. Yeah, just like the Hunch Back of Notre Dame! (seen the cartoon?)

On the flip side, good posture and even power posing is not only better for your bodies, but can lead to less stress, and a more confident first impression. That sounds like the better option, right? Set a reminder three times a day on your phone to stand up straight. You will have kicked the habit in no time.

And there you have it, the 5. Think it’s worth your wholehearted shot?




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