
Top 3 Distractions Students Face and How to Deal With Them

1. Technology

Technology can make studying easier, providing instant access to multiple sources of information but can also lead to information overload, distraction, which further affect our ability to focus and make good enough choices.

How To Deal With It

  • Set up a time for responding to emails and messages
  • Turn off notification (email, social media etc.)
  • When researching a topic or just seeking some information on the web, stick to a handful of trusted sites and decide on the maximum
  • There is no right or wrong answer here, but you need to find a balance between exhausting a topic and finding reliable information and information overload. You may need to decide on the number of sites you visit.
  • If you struggle to control the amount of time you spend on the internet, – try one of multiple tools that block access to selected sites and totally for a period of time

2. Multitasking

Multitasking may be fun, but it is a productivity killer. You are not saving any time when multitasking. On the contrary, you are wasting time by constantly switching attention from one thing to another and back

How To Deal With It

  • Plan your day
  • Avoid distractions and interruptions
  • Schedule your activities appropriately

3. Studying at Home

Studying at home may be convenient and gives you a lot of flexibility, but it is also not without its downsides. One of the most common complaints is that you may be called upon to do one chore or the other, even while you are studying!

How To Deal With It

  • Create your own studying routine, and let your family in on it!
  • It may also be good to create a study space if you don’t have one yet, and keep it for that special purpose mainly (e.g. have a desk with a study planner/calendar handy, don’t study in bed)
  • Have a study schedule (e.g. time blocked for working on various subjects/topics, have ‘exam practice time’ etc.).
  • Ensure to keep to it

Now that you know what can get in the way of your study time, keep your eyes and ears open. If you notice your fingers are itching to check your phone, your mind is busy doing more than one thing, or your family won’t stop butting into your study time; pause and use one of the techniques described above.

You have got no excuse. Go and be a more effective student!


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