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7 Amazing Advice For Your 18 Year Old Self

As a teen, you may often feel like no one gets you and your frustrations, yet that is far from the truth. Today’s adults were once like you, and below are 7 amazing advice from one to her 18 year old self. I hope you enjoy it.

1. Follow Your Dreams, Not Someone Else’s

Make sure that your dreams are yours. Make sure that you are not pursuing the dreams that someone else thinks you should have; because dreams take a lot of work and a lot of support, and you will be more inspired to go after them if they are really, really yours.

2. Always Have a Plan

Make a plan, but know that sometimes when you make plans, they do not turn out exactly the way you want them to. Don’t fret, it’s alright. If you can just be patient and hang in there, you will find out that this new turn of event is probably better than the one you had in mind.

3. Recognise Your True Friends

Be around people that make you feel good – not just Yes people who tell you what you want to hear – but people that really love you for who you are and make you feel loved, and people that you want to love and make feel good.

4. Stay On Your Own Life Path

Stay on your own path, do what’s right for you. You CANNOT compare your own insides with somebody else’s outsides because you never know what’s going on with somebody else, really! Never compare yourself with others.

5. Share Your Pain With Those Who Have Earned the Right, and Who Desire to Help You

Know that everybody has growing pains, you are going to experience it and it’s going to be amazing to share that pain with someone.

6. Be a Good Child To Your Parents

You are going to understand your parents plight and be more grateful to them when you become a parent yourself. Do not let a day go by without acknowledging their sacrifices, and your good fortunes of being the child of your parents [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][I am guessing that you have fantastic one(s)].

And if you are not blessed with fantastic parent(s), do your best to be good to them, or the ones who stand as parents for you – as far as it depends on you.

7. Love Your Challenges

The things that challenge you the most in life are probably the things that you will look back on and be so grateful for because they made you a better person. So, the things that challenge you, try to be grateful for them, and try to imagine that they have been put into your life specifically to help you.

Take a deep breath, and know that nothing is forever. If people are pressuring you to excel, it’s probably because they really care about you, but just do your best because that’s all that matters. This will lead you to where you are supposed to go if you really are doing your best.

And these are the wisdom nuggets from Hollywood actress, Kerry Washington. Hope you found some consolation there-in.


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