
JSS1 Home Economics Third Term: The Impact of Family Values on Lifestyle

What is Value? 

Value is the worth placed on item, Values are beliefs, feelings or ideas of what is important, desirable and good.

Lifestyle is the particular way of life of a person, family or a nation.

Types of Values

  1. Intrinsic Value: These are values that are important for their own sake. Examples are, love, freedom, truth e.t.c.
  2. Instrumental Value: These are values that help you to achieve the intrinsic or high values. Examples are orderliness and efficiency.
  3. Values that are intrinsic and instrumental: These can impact and also can you in achieving higher values. Examples are comfort, health, religion, honesty e.t.c.

Types of Lifestyle

  1. Roles and Roles combination: The different ways are based on the roles performed by each person e.g employers, employees, parents e.t.c
  2. Consumer Practices: Some people may be conspicuous consumers, others maybe moderate e.g types of food, clothing e.t.c. which people choose
  3. Occupation and Employment patterns: Pattern will normally influence how a person does a thing i.e. the life styles e.g bankers, doctor, teachers.

B. Importance of Value or Value System

I. To the Individual

  1. A value system helps you to make decisions
  2. Values provide motivation
  3. Values control behavior
  4. Dear values provide confidence and strength
  5. Values bring consistency to your outlook and actions
  6. Values determines the type and levels or goals you set for yourself…

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JSS1 Home Economics Third Term: The Impact of Family Values on Lifestyle

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