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Adamawa students give Dangote group 7 days to redress the killing of mate

The National Union of Adamawa State Students (NUADSS) has given the Dangote Group of Companies seven days to redress the killing of one of its members, a company truck driver.

According to NUADSS, Kamaluddeen Hussain, a final year student of the Modibbo Adama University of Technology (MAUTECH), Yola, was on March 3 hit and killed by a Dangote truck driver who fled the scene.

The students allege that the Dangote Group has done nothing since the incident.

President of NUADSS, Comrade Gaddafi Hussaini, told newsmen in Yola on Thursday that Kamaluddeen had been on his way out of a mosque within the university campus after an evening prayer when the reckless Dangote truck driver ran over him.

He said the truck driver ran off after the offense, and that the Dangote Group has done nothing since then to empathize with the bereaved family.

The NUADSS President asked the Dangote Group to “take responsibility for the action of their reckless driver and compensate the family of the deceased within the next seven days or face litigation.

‘We will have no choice but to resort to the court to get justice for our student.”

Gaddafi said the deceased, Kamaluddeen Hussaini, died on March 3rd and was buried on the 4th, 2020.

He was a Management Technology student of MAUTECH.

According to him, witnesses confirmed that the man was overspeeding when he lost control and headed for the far roadside where Kamaluddeen and a few others were standing and ran over them, following which Kamaluddeen died instantly.

He said his union expects the Dangote Group to have at least sent a representative on a condolence visit to the family of the deceased.

“We at NUADSS express our profound dissatisfaction at their negligence,” he said.

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