Your face is your first introduction to the world, and most everyone wants to make a good first impression! But how you are caring for your face could be acting as an hindrance to how the world sees you first-hand. Consider some of the things you may be doing wrong.
1. Using Abrasive Products
Dr. Kidd advises anyone with acne-prone skin not to use anything abrasive–“not a scrub, not a rotating brush, not a washcloth”–because doing so can actually increase irritation and inflammation, making your acne worse. Instead, use a gentle cleanser and only use your fingertips when you wash.
4. Just Using Facial Wipes
Face wipes are super convenient, yes, but you shouldn’t be using them every day–in most cases, they actually just grind makeup into your pores instead of removing it, and they leave a layer of grime on your skin, since you aren’t rinsing off afterwards. Plus, the fabric of the cleansing wipes itself is problematic–they are usually pretty abrasive, which will definitely irritate your skin.
5. Using The Wrong Cleanser For Your Skin Type
Know what works for you! If you have got oily skin, go for a cleanser that targets oil, and if you have got dry skin, get one that promises to add moisture. Using one that’s wrong for you will increase irritation in your skin.
6. Rinsing With Hot Water
Rinsing your face with extra-hot water might feel great–especially this harmattan–but the costs of doing so outweigh the benefits. This will definitely dry out your skin which, like over-washing, will dry it out and cause it to produce more acne-triggering oil.
7. Skipping Moisturiser
Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty, said Derek Zoolander. And it’s true! You have got to moisturise after you wash your face–doing so will help reverse any drying effect that cleanser has. (And, as with the cleansing rule, get one that works for your skin–for oily skin, look for a gel moisturiser, and for dry skin, get a cream-based one.)