
Author name: Oluwayemi Alabi

As an educationist and ICT enthusiast, I deliver concise and incisive classwork notes with the motive to enhance learning and mitigate the ropy standard of education in Nigeria. Need to get in touch? Email: Call/Whatsapp: 07060545017

What students want from teachers: How to make learning irresistible

  Failure is a positive act of creativity. Scientists, artists, engineers, and even entrepreneurs know this as adults. But in schools, the notion of failure is complicated. Any practice – athletic, artistic, even social – involves repeatedly failing till one gets the experience or activity right. We need to “keep the challenge constant so players […]

What students want from teachers: How to make learning irresistible Read More »

Are you right-brained or left-brained? And what does it say about your personality? Take this QUIZ to find out

  Are you rational and like to live by the rules? Or creative and curious? Now there’s a quiz that will determine why this might be. The idea is that we all have a dominant side of the brain – and this shapes our personality. People who are right-brained tend to be creative, curious and

Are you right-brained or left-brained? And what does it say about your personality? Take this QUIZ to find out Read More »

Wish To Acquire Today’s MOST DESIRED Skill? These Websites Will Help You Learn CODING Easily

These sites offer free and paid courses in everything from programming and web design to music theory and graphics 1. CODEACADEMY You would expect a website run by code educators to look pretty slick. Well, that’s exactly the case with Codeacademy. It’s so well designed that you are sucked into its free lessons the moment

Wish To Acquire Today’s MOST DESIRED Skill? These Websites Will Help You Learn CODING Easily Read More »

Texting and Verbal Skills: Will Today’s Teenagers Be Able to Communicate Effectively?

  (By Tony Ali) Today more and more teens have cell phones.  Teen texting between friends has now overtaken cell phone communications – and every other common forms of interaction.  Text messaging has been a vital form of communication emerging from the speedy development of technology.  According to a study by PEW Research: Half of teens send

Texting and Verbal Skills: Will Today’s Teenagers Be Able to Communicate Effectively? Read More »


The Second Edition of the Social Media Week Lagos which hosted Africa’s largest Social Media gathering has just rounded up in the past week.’s “How Nigerian Secondary School Students are going digital” which was the only Education Focused Event will surely be remembered as one of the highest points of the 2014 Social Media Week in Lagos.


Patience Jonathan makes case for girl-child university education

First Lady, Mrs. Patience Jonathan has said that Nigerians must ensure that a significant percentage of the country’s young people, especially girls, acquire university education. “There is a popular saying that if you educate a man, you educate a person, but if you educate a woman, you educate a nation,” she said during a visit

Patience Jonathan makes case for girl-child university education Read More »

The ‘smart’ toothbrush that links with your phone to tell you if you’re brushing your teeth correctly

Few things could be as easy as cleaning your teeth – or so you’d think. Apply toothpaste to brush, stick brush in mouth, give the old pearly whites a good scrub, then rinse. It seems, however, that many of us are not doing it properly, for example not spending long enough on the task or

The ‘smart’ toothbrush that links with your phone to tell you if you’re brushing your teeth correctly Read More »

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