
Author name: Femi-Royal Aliu

Femi-Royal has a degree in Agriculture. He loves reading, teaching and travelling. He believes in the words of Nelson Mandela that Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Can You Write Essays? then 2016 WOLFoundation Global Essay Contest is for You!

DESCRIPTION: WOLFoundation runs an annual competition looking for the best non-technical, English language writing on any themes related to political/social/environmental issues WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Everyone is welcome. Any one individual may submit up to three entries. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Subject and Theme: The theme for the 2016 competition is Connecting Politics With People Fact or

Can You Write Essays? then 2016 WOLFoundation Global Essay Contest is for You! Read More »

Time to Showcase your Spelling Skills at the Nigeria Spelling Bee Competition

The Nigeria Spelling Bee is a multilingual spelling bee competition where spellers are drawn from every state in Nigeria to spell words from the English, Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo languages. The Competition shall start from the State level. The indigenous languages words will not be used for elimination at the state level. (No speller will

Time to Showcase your Spelling Skills at the Nigeria Spelling Bee Competition Read More »

Wouldn’t You Love To Write For Some Cash? This Contest Promises You Just That!

INTRODUCTION: Life Saver Essays is hosting an Essay Writing Contest for budding writers. Our goal is to encourage rising talent and promote the spirit of writing, which seems to have diminished. TOPIC: You can choose any topic, but you are advised to choose topics that you feel passionately for and where you can voice your opinion.

Wouldn’t You Love To Write For Some Cash? This Contest Promises You Just That! Read More »

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