
Grammar Clinic

Teaching English language: The Dos and Don’ts for teaching Teens Vocabulary

Every language in the world has its set of vocabularies, which are basically the words used every day by speakers of such languages. Therefore, when we talk about vocabularies, we are referring to the words in a particular language which are learnt overtime by speakers of said language starting from the moment they learn to […]

Teaching English language: The Dos and Don’ts for teaching Teens Vocabulary Read More »

Teens! Be mindful of these common mistakes Students make when writing a Paragraph

I am want to believe that every teenager knows what a paragraph is. But then just in case I am wrong, I will briefly define- a paragraph is a part of a composition, an essay or a chapter which contains a set of related sentences about a particular subject matter or topic. The ability to

Teens! Be mindful of these common mistakes Students make when writing a Paragraph Read More »

The major Differences between British and American English every Teen should know

To some people, English language is English language. But to those who know, there are major differences between the many variants of English language; precisely the differences between British and American English. Unfortunately, many Nigerians (who are supposed to be British English speakers by the way) very often make the mistake of confusing American spelling

The major Differences between British and American English every Teen should know Read More »

Commonly confused English Words every Teen should take note of

The English language is replete with English words that are often confused with each other. The reasons could be because they sound alike even though they have very different meanings, have the same spelling/pronunciation or because their meanings are almost similar such that you think you could interchangeably use them. But no matter the excuses for

Commonly confused English Words every Teen should take note of Read More »

Teens! Using these Words on a daily basis will make you sound Super Smart

It is the [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][secret] desire of every literate person to sound intelligent when they speak or write. And one of the easiest ways to achieve that is the ability to correctly join

Teens! Using these Words on a daily basis will make you sound Super Smart Read More »

Daily Grammar Mistakes every Teen should avoid

The most important rule to writing and speaking well is to be attentive to all grammar rules. Unfortunately, this is a rule many people find difficult to obey. As a result, when they speak or write, their speeches and compositions are replete with blunders too obvious to ignore. Anyway, I present to you some of

Daily Grammar Mistakes every Teen should avoid Read More »

Opinion: Should Children be prohibited from speaking their Native Languages?

This is probably a rather controversial topic considering the arguments for and against the decision to prohibit kids from speaking vernacular in schools and sometimes even at home. Regardless of the controversy, multiple award-winning Nigerian novelist, Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani penned an interesting essay discussing the experiences she had  growing up when her parents banned her

Opinion: Should Children be prohibited from speaking their Native Languages? Read More »

Typical Grammatical Mistakes every Teen needs to stop making

If you are fond of saying the same thing repeatedly by merely using different words, then you are guilty of a grammatical error called Tautology. Some people, in their efforts to emphasize their points, convey something important or even add literary beauty  to a text tend to commit this error. Mind you, tautological mistakes are

Typical Grammatical Mistakes every Teen needs to stop making Read More »

This Article Will Change How You Use the Prepositions IN, IN TO and INTO

The preposition in generally refers to being inside something: Adam stood alone in the elevator. While the preposition into generally means movement toward the inside of something: Adam walked into the elevator. But sometimes the meanings of in and into sometimes overlap. Examples: After waiting in the hallway for twenty minutes, I finally stepped into

This Article Will Change How You Use the Prepositions IN, IN TO and INTO Read More »

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