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Classwork Series and Exercises {Computer Science – JSS1}: Information Transmission

Computer Science,JSS 1, Week 7

Topic: Information Transmission

Information transmission can be referred to as the various ways or more of spreading or passing information from one place to another.

Ways of transmitting Information

  1. Ancient Method: The various ways of transmitting information in the ancient time are,
  • oral
  • beaten drums
  • town crier
  • whistling
  • drawing diagrams
  • making representation
  1. Modern Method: Information was able to be passed easily with concept of modernized form within a short period of time. Examples are
  • Print out copies
  • Telephone
  • Radio
  • television
  • internet
  • telex
  • satellite
  • S.M

 Classification or means of transmitting information

There are various ways of transmitting information and these can be classified into two which are as follows.

 Electronic Means

  • Print out copies
  • Telephone
  • Radio
  • television
  • internet
  • telex
  • satellite
  • S.M

 Non Electronic Means

  • oral
  • beaten drums
  • town crier
  • whistling
  • drawing diagrams
  • making representation

Mode of Receiving Information

Information can be received through the following means

  1. Audio: Audio information can be received in a sound form, e.g music. Broadcasting, voice recording, audio tape.
  2. Visual: Visual information can be received in form of text, picture, and chart. E.g newspaper, magazines, journals, billboards.
  3. Audio Visual Form: Audio visual information can be received in both sound and picture. E.g movies, music videos, e.t.c

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