
Do plants actually communicate? Yes, they do! Here’s how

You’ve probably secretly wondered what your biology teacher was talking about when she told the class that plants do communicate. Well, she’s right! Now let’s make it clearer to you.

Growing evidence suggests that plants can actually communicate and in more ways than one. You see, plants don’t have mouths, eyes or ears but they apparently see, feel, smell and possibly even hear signals from other plants.

That sweet hot season smell of freshly cut grass is actually a blast of chemical signals sent out by the injured grass, a warning to let other nearby plants know to go on the defensive.

But why would a plant want to give its competitors a heads up? What could the possible evolutionary benefit be? Well, some scientists think that plants aren’t actually talking to each other but to themselves, while their nosy neighbours take advantage of the situation and eavesdrop.

At this point, there are more questions than answers, I admit, but it’s becoming clear that communication isn’t limited to just animals like us. Plants have a lot to say, too.

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