
Are You an Entrepreneur or a “Wantrepreneur”? 3 Sure Ways To Find Out

It seems like everyone is calling themselves an entrepreneur these days, as everyone wants to be the next big success story in the mould of Mark Zuckerberg and other tech entrepreneurs. 

The truth of the matter though is that there are hundreds and thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs who think they have a winning idea but never manage to put it into action and go on to growing a successful business. People that Alex Pirouz calls wantrepreneurs.

If you are looking into what divide you fall, you may want to have a look at some of the key characteristics that separate entrepreneurs from wantrepreneurs, and these are that:

1.  Entrepreneurs Are Passionate About Business

Those who have achieved success are usually passionate about their industry as much as they are passionate about the business side of it. For example, successful musicians are usually passionate about their craft, which is music, as mush as they are about the business of music.

To grow an idea from conception to a successful, thriving business, you will need to convince investors, customers, partners and employees to believe in you and your vision. If you are not 100 percent convinced and passionate about your product or service, why should anyone else be?

One simple way of measuring this is to ask yourself: If I had all the money and time in the world, would I still be dedicated and driven to grow my business? If the answer to this question is No, then call it’s best to call it quits. You will save yourself a lot of time, money and stress.

Lesson: All real entrepreneurs are driven by their passion and love for business, wantrepreneurs are driven by the idea of being an entrepreneur.

2. Entrepreneurs Take Massive Action

When it comes down to it, taking action is what really counts. Entrepreneurs take the leap of faith even when all that they need is not complete.

Don’t worry if you think you are not ready, you will learn more by just doing than what you will ever read in a book. That textbook can’t prepare you for every scenario nor is it catered to your exact goals and vision of what you want. Don’t let yourself become paralysed by information, take massive action.
Lesson: Real entrepreneurs do what they say they are going to do; wantrepreneurs talk about it but never really get started.

3. Entrepreneurs Make Sacrifices  

Wantrepreneurs have this idealistic vision of what it is like to be an entrepreneur. They might see it as the quickest way to get rich or the ability to set their own hours and be their own boss and not have to answer to anyone.

But not answering to anyone means you will need to be extremely disciplined and harder on yourself than any boss can ever be with you. Setting your own hours only means you will be working very long hours in the beginning, because there will be so much to get done.

There will be moments of hopelessness, frustration, and wondering if you were crazy to even attempt entrepreneurship; but there will also be days where you feel like you are on top of the world.

Lesson: Successful entrepreneurs use profit as a measuring scale of their own success, they know the long hours they need to work to make it happen and understand that the only time you see the word shortcut before success is in the dictionary.

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