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EPL: Mikel Not For Sale – Mourinho

It seems Chelsea Manager, Jose Mourinho has decided to keep Eagles number 10, Mikel Obi despite earlier reports that the Nigerian was for sale..

In a recent meeting with Chelsea’s official website, the Portugesse tactician revealed that Mikel will be at stamford Bridge and is will be part of his team for the 2014/2015 English Premier League.

Mikel supporters had been shook when it was widely reported that the Eagles talisman is on his way out after a horrid perfomance for Keshi’s boys at the recently held FIFA world Cup in Brazil.

Mourinho said that Mikel’s worth to the Blues is highly underestimated in Chelsea.

He said: ‘You play 60 matches a season and you cannot play with the same players every time,’ . ‘In the first three weeks you have one match per week but after that the cups start, the Champions League, internationals, so you have to rotate players.

‘Everybody will have a chance, nobody will feel as though they are first choice or second choice. For example, in midfield we have Mikel, Matic, Ramires, Fabregas and Van Ginkel, so everybody will play and will feel useful, important,” he noted.

Mikel was brought to Chelsea by Jose Mourinho during his first fling with the Roman Abrahmovic owned Club.

Mikel during his time with the Blues has won every title in the European circle and also won all English cups.

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