Have you ever shared your password with anyone? Then you should read this, since that will make you one of the 31% of the population who has shared a password — either for something as harmless as downloading music or video on a media sharing site, or as sensitive as an ATM card’s password.
Because you use more devices and are connected more, this makes your exposure bigger and makes you not as invincible as you think. In other words, because you are always using these devices, it’s possible to forget just how unsafe the internet is. But the Internet is really very dangerous because of your exposure to malware, spyware, scams, infected websites, and identity theft. So, here’s how to protect yourself online:
- Choose a secure password for each of your online accounts — a secure password includes capital letters, numbers, and symbols. And don’t share them. Ever.
- Don’t open emails from senders you don’t recognize, and especially do not open attachments or links from accounts you don’t know.
- On social media, don’t open links from sites you don’t know — malware sites can gain access to your accounts and post without your permission.