Examinations. Ah! that dreaded period of the school year, when no matter how much you think you have studied you never feel completely prepared. This is the reason why you and everyone who have ever sat exams will laugh at these scenarios because they are so real!
See the 6
1. When the teacher at the very last minute comes in and spoils the voltron formation that some students have set up.
And they are like Dear God, help me. You are my only hope now.
2. When answers to the questions you know are scattered. Those instances when you know the answers to 1a, b, 2c, d and 3b; but not 1c; 2a, b and 3a, c, d.
Because you just don’t know where and how to start!
3. When the answer you are getting is not in the options provided
Because you don’t know if you are the one not just getting it, or it’s the examiner’s error
4. When you submit your question paper only to realise you hadn’t written your personal details or done that compulsory question that carries 30 marks.
As the Yorubas would say, Ye! Mo gbe ( Ha! I am ruined)
5. When comparing answers after exams and the ones you got do not match up with those of the “class smarties”
And you just hope they are wrong. But fat chance! it’s the class smarties we are talking about here!!
6. When you had planned to use the formulae in your 4 figure table, scientific calculator, or mathset, only for the teacher to come up with other “frustrating” plans.
Because free access to all those complex formulae for cones, cylinders, spheres, trigonometric identities, and others just went up in flames!
You are the ones sitting exams now, do you think we covered it all? Give us your impressions in the Comments!