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JSS1 Agricultural Science Third Term: Uses of Organic Compounds In Agriculture

Topic: Uses of Organic Compounds in Agriculture


  1. Meaning of Organic compounds
  2. Uses of Organic Compounds

 Meaning of Organic Compounds

Organic compounds are natural molecular combinations that have been created as a result of organism growth and decomposition. This should not be confused with non organic elements like water and minerals, which are natural but not actually related to organisms.

Much of agriculture is concerned with maintaining the proper balance of organic compounds, or using organic compounds to solve a particular crop problem.

Uses of Organic Compounds

Restoring Soil

One of the traditional uses of organic compounds is to replenish the diminished nutrients in crop soil. Growers do this in several ways. Crop rotation switch between different kinds of crops every few years. Different plants use different types of nutrients, and by switching back and forth, the soil can build up necessary organic compounds through crop decomposition.

Synthetic Protection

Synthetic organic compounds are chemicals that have correlations in nature, but are produced scientifically instead of naturally. These compounds are often used in organic pesticides designed to remove pests but not cause as much damage to the environment as fully synthetic chemicals that are not already found in the environment. Some growers also use fully natural versions of organic compounds, like Kaolin clay, to protect their crops from fungi and insects.

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