
JSS1 Home Economics Third Term: Human Right and Violation

Introduction to Human Right

A right is a statement showing a nature due, moral claim and legal entitlement. Right can also be called freedoms and benefits that are guaranteed to people by law.

Fundamental Rights

Fundamental rights of every Nigeria person are written in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, chapter IV section No – 43, page 18-20. These include:

  1. Right to life
  2. Right to dignity of human person
  3. Right to fair hearing
  4. Right to private and family life
  5. Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion
  6. Right to freedom of expression and the press
  7. Right to freedom of movement
  8. Right to freedom from discrimination
  9. Right to acquire and own immovable property anywhere in Nigeria

Hints to Note about the Rights of a Child

  1. In Nigeria, a child is anybody who is 18 years or below
  2. The United Nation (UN) convention on the right of the child was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 25th of November 1989. Nigeria was one of the countries that ratified the convention.
  3. The organization of African Unity (AU) proclaimed the 1990’s as the ‘decade of the African Child’
  4. June 16th of every year was set aside as the ‘Day of the African Child’
  5. Parents, Teachers, government and children have roles to play in the implementation of the rights of the child.

Basic Principles of Child Right

  1. Every child has the right to life
  2. Every child is entitled to a name, family and nationality
  3. Every child is free to belong to many associations or assembly according to the law.
  4. Every child has the right to express opinion and freely communicate with them on any issues subject to restriction under the law
  5. Every child is entitled to receive compulsory basic education
  6. No child should suffer any discrimination irrespective of ethnic, language, religion e.t,.c

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JSS1 Home Economics Third Term: Human Right and Violation

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