
JSS2 Agricultural Science Third Term: Farm Animal Diseases II

Signs of Disease in Farm Animals

  1. Unthriftiness
  2. Lack of appetite
  3. Dullness
  4. Rough coat
  5. Ruffled feather in poultry
  6. Wasting
  7. Diarrhea or water stool
  8. Premature abortion
  9. Increased mortality rate
  10. Discharge from mouth and eyes
  11. Decrease in activities
  12. Loss of weight
  13. Blood stains in faeces
  14. Reduced production

Economic Importance of Animal Disease

  1. Poor growth of animals
  2. Diseases lead to poor feed utilization due to loss of appetite
  3. Low yield of products
  4. Low income to farmers due to reduced quantity and quality of products
  5. Money is spent on curing the animal

Factors that can Predispose Animals to Disease

  1. Health status of the animal
  2. Poor nutritional diet – Animals who are poorly fed are prone to diseases
  3. Poor sanitation – When the environment is dirty, Animals can contract diseases
  4. Poor management of the animals – Non administration of vaccines and drugs at appropriate doses and time
  5. Poor housing of the animals
  6. Unfavorable climatic conditions – Extreme temperature, winds and rainfalls can affect animals
  7. Poor breeds of animals

General Principles of Preventing and Controlling Animal Diseases

  • Farm animals should be provided with clean and well ventilated houses as well as dry beddings.
  • All newly purchased animals should be quarantined and isolated for at least two weeks before joining the old stock. All sick animals should be isolated and treated.
  • Farm animals shoulc be vaccinated at different stages of their growth to prevent certain diseases
  • Use resistant breeds where appropriate
  • Sometimes infected animals should be eliminated and slaughtered instead of being treated as some diseases are stubborn and might not be cured even when the animals have been treated
  • Regular dipping and spraying stock with appropriate insecticides wi;; destroy ectoparasites
  • Regular deworming of farm animals

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JSS2 Agricultural Science Third Term: Farm Animal Diseases II

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