
Just For Boys: Exactly What are Wet Dreams!!?

Do you sometimes wake up with a sticky patch on your nightwear and bed sheet? I am most certain you earnestly try to hide the tell-tale signs before any other person discovers it, because it can be most embarrassing to be found out – especially if you are in boarding school!

Allay your fears brother, it’s a right of passage and EVERY boy has walked down the exact same road! It’s nothing to be ashamed of, except that you will have to endure the riffing of other boys (who discreetly hide theirs if I must add!!). Following are all the questions you may possibly want answered on this “most embarrassing” night accident.

A wet dream is also known as a nocturnal emission. Nocturnal means “at night” and emission means “discharge.” This makes sense because a wet dream is when semen (the fluid containing sperm) is discharged from the penis during ejaculation while a guy is asleep. Usually this happens during dreams that have sexual images. Sometime,s guys wake up from a wet dream, but sometimes they sleep through it.

Wet dreams begin during puberty when the body starts making more testosterone, the major male hormone. Although some guys may feel embarrassed or even guilty about having wet dreams, they can’t be controlled and you can’t stop them from happening — most guys experience them at some point during puberty, and even sometimes as adults. Wet dreams usually happen less as guys get older, though. That’s the good news!

If you are worried about it happening when you sleep away from home, you can have a change of underwear with you.

Chances are, some of your friends have had wet dreams too. They’re pretty common. But wet dreams are one of those topics people don’t talk about. Wet dreams aren’t a sign of a health problem, and they don’t cause any harm. But they can be confusing and embarrassing at first. So it can help to ask your doctor about wet dreams, or any other questions you have about your body.

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