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Physical Health Education Lesson Note JSS 3 Third Term


PHE Scheme of Work for JSS 3 Third Term 

Week 1

Topic: Family Health

Week 2

TopicControl Measures


Week 3


Week 4

TopicContact Games


Week 5



Week 6

TopicDrug Use

 physical and health education jss 1 third term lesson notes

Below are the 2022 complete physical health education lesson notes for jss 3 third term

 Week 1

Topic: Family Health


  • Types of diseases and mode of transfer
  • Disease vectors
  • Types of disease vectors
  • Life cycle of the mosquito and other vectors

Types of diseases and mode of transfer

Disease means illness or disorder of the body and mind. The agents causing diseases are called pathogens. There are basically two types of diseases:

  • Communicable
  • Non- communicable diseases

Communicable diseases

Communicable diseases are diseases that can be transferred from one person to another. Mode of transmission can be through direct contact, infected air droplet, contaminated food and water, or vector including insects. Some communicable diseases are often referred to as infectious diseases.

To learn more: Click here


Week 2

TopicControl Measures


  • Water drainage, oil spreading/spraying
  • Disease transmission

Control Measure

Environmental management

Environmental management seeks to change the environment in order to prevent or minimize vector propagation and human contact with the vector pathogen by destroying, altering, removing or recycling non-essential containers that provide larval habitats. Such actions should be the mainstay of dengue vector control. Three types of environmental management are defined:

Environmental modification – long-lasting physical transformations to reduce vector larval habitats, such as the installation of a reliable piped water supply to communities, including household connections.

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physical and health education jss 3 third term lesson notes


Week 3



  • Consequences of contracting disease on individual, family, society
  • Disease prevention
    – sanitation
    – education
    – immunization
    – choice of life partner

Sexually transmitted diseases are diseases that are spread through sexual intercourse. There are many STDs that affect both males and female. The germs that causes STDs could be protozoa, fungi or viruses.

Signs of STDs for girls

  1. Unusual discharge or wetness from the vagina though it is normal for girls to have some wetness or discharge. So don’t worry unless the wetness


To learn more: Click here

physical and health education jss 3 third term lesson notes

Week 4

TopicContact Games


  • Taekwando
    – basic skills
    – importance of Taekwando
    – safety rules, regulations and officiating in Taekwando

Contact Games


Taekwado as a sport and exercise is popular with people of both sexes and of many ages. Physically, taewando develops strength, speed, balance, flexibility and stamina. An example of the union of mental and physical discipline is the breaking of boards, which requires both physical mastery of the technique and concentration to focus ones strength.

The five tenets of taekwondo are: courtesy, integrity, self-control, and indomitable spirit. Teakwando helps to improve alertness in students, confidence, focus, memory and respect.

To learn more: Click here


 Week 5



  • Basic Techniques
  • Safety rules, regulations and officials in boxing


Boxing is also called ‘’the manly act of self-defence’’. A sport in which two competitors try to hit each other with their glove-encased fists while trying to avoid each other’s blows. The competition is divided into a specific number of rounds usually three minutes along with one minute rest period between rounds. Although amateur boxing is widespread and professional boxing has flourished.

When starting out, boxers will usually first be taught how to fight at a distance, also known as ‘ouout fightingtfighting’, rather than getting in close where they are more likely to be hit. The skills used here include arm’s-length punches and quick footwork to enable the boxer to deliver a blow before their opponent can respond. It is the best way to tire out and attack an opponent, and lessens their chance of a counterattack.

To learn more: Click here


Week 6

TopicDrug Use


  • Meaning of drug use, misuse and abuse
  • Categories of drugs
    – prescription of drugs/medicines
    – non-prescription of drugs/medicines
  • Gateway drug

Meaning of drug use

The word drug refers to any biologically active substance that is foreign to the body which is deliberately introduced to affect its functioning. But a medical practitioner, drug is any substance used to manufacture medicine to cure disease and ailment. Therefore, aspirin, antibiotics as well as a mind-altering drug are included in this definition. Any drug can be harmful to the body if not taken in large doses, too often or in an impure form.

To learn more: Click here




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