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This Is What 2 Motivated Teen Brothers Can Accomplish

Osine Ikhianosime is like any other boy his age and at the same time he isn’t. He loves playing soccer and is fascinated with learning new things, but not every 13 year old takes coding as a hobby – Osine does.

Born April 28, 2001, his interest in computers began at age 7. It was also at this age that he, along with his brother, Anesi Ikhianosime, who was 9 at the time (born June 1, 1999), came up with the idea of starting a company. First named Doors, with Microsoft’s “Windows” as inspiration, it had to be changed to BluDoors, when they discovered that the first name was already taken.

When they decided to learn to code at age 12 and 14 respectively, Osine said, “I didn’t let my uncle’s belief that it would be a tough feat to achieve stop me.” “I started with Java,” Osine told TechCabal on phone.

Also Read: Why Every Teen Needs to Learn How to Code

“I learnt to code by myself. I started in 2013, I used sites sites like Code Academy, Code Avengers and books like ‘Android for Game Development’ and ‘Games for Dummies’,” said Anesi.

While both brothers write code, Anesi designs the user interface.

Crocodile-Browser User interface of the Crocodile Browser

They both began developing an Android web browser, which they named Crocodile Browser Lite, about a year ago out of boredom. Due to their strong interest  in technology, they decided to create a functional, fast browser for feature and low end phones because, according to them, “We were fed up with Google Chrome.”

Osine and Anesi launched the mobile Browser on the Mobango app store before moving to Google Play Store to try and reach a wider audience. Their browser has around 100 to 500 downloads at present and they do not have ads in the app yet.

Osine and Anesi are Year 9 and Year 11 students of Greensprings School, Anthony Campus, Lagos.

Anesi says he’d like to develop another app that solves real social problems, such as traffic and communication.

The brothers are releasing a new version of Crocodile Browser Lite 3.0 this April.

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