The Man Named Wade Wilson
Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) is a mercenary who spends his time in New York City protecting teenage girls from would-be stalkers. He meets escort Vanessa Carlysle (Morena Baccarin) and they become romantically attached for nearly a year, before he suddenly collapses one night and is diagnosed with multiple organ cancer.
He reluctantly leaves Vanessa to undergo an experiment to cure his cancer, only to be injected with a special serum by Francis Freeman tortured for days by Angel Dust (Gina Carano) . When Wade is strapped into an airtight chamber, the drop in oxygen triggers a healing factor that removes his cancer, but severely disfigures his face and skin in the process.
How He Became Deadpool
He escapes from the secret laboratory, but as he cannot come to terms with his complexion, he keeps himself away from Vanessa. Wade moves into the home of an elderly blind woman named Al, and with the advice of his best friend Weasel, he becomes a masked vigilante named Deadpool.
Following a string of leads from various syndicates, Deadpool attacks a convoy of cars on an expressway before getting his hands on Francis, demanding for a cure to his disfigurement. The confrontation is suddenly interrupted by the X-Men Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, who want him to join the team. Their intervention enables Francis to run off, and when Colossus handcuffs himself to Deadpool on their way back to the X-Mansion, Deadpool cuts off his own hand and escapes back to his home.
The Reunification With Vanessa
The next night, Weasel convinces Deadpool to go back to Vanessa, but when they arrive at the strip club she works at, Deadpool discovers that she has been kidnapped, and Francis and Angel Dust tell him to meet up with them on a decommissioned aircraft carrier at a scrapyard.
Deadpool convinces Colossus and Negasonic to help him, and the trio take a cab to the scrapyard, where Colossus and Negasonic have a grueling battle with Angel Dust while Deadpool slashes through an army of hired, armed men on his way toward Francis.
Both Deadpool and Francis engage in a bloody hand-to-hand combat before Negasonic uses her power to destroy the aircraft carrier. Despite pleas from Colossus to spare his enemy’s life, Deadpool kills Francis before he reconciles with Vanessa.
The movie is fast, funny, and could be profane at times.