This 2016 movie acts as both a prequel and, mostly, a sequel to Snow White and the Huntsman and is based on characters from the German fairy tale, Snow White, compiled by the Brothers Grimm, as well as The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen.
Mirror, Mirror, Who’s the Fairest of Them All?
Queen Ravenna (Charlize Theron), learns that her younger sister, Freya (Emily Blunt) had an affair with Andrew, the Duke of Blackwood (Colin Morgan) and is carrying their child.
When Freya gives birth to her daughter, the Magic Mirror predicts the baby girl’s beauty will surpass Ravenna’s, but shortly after, Andrew kills the child. Freya discovers this betrayal, and as grief for her dead child fuels her anger, she murders Andrew using her long-suppressed ice powers (the same kind of power possessed by Elsa in Frozen)
Rise of the Evil Queen
Freya abandons the kingdom and builds herself a remote ice palace deep in the north, where she wages war on neighbouring kingdoms, steals their children, and makes them into an army of children whom she trains to have a hardened heart.
But Eric (Chris Hemsworth) and Sara (Jessica Chastain), two of her most exceptional warriors fall in love and plan to elope, but Freya becomes aware of their secret (because Freya, having a heart of ice forbids love of any kind).
She confronts them, then separates them by creating a massive ice wall between them. But to destroy their hopes of seeing each other ever again, she gives each a different vision – Eric sees Sara being killed by her fellow huntsmen, while Sara sees Eric walking away and leaving her in danger.
Sara and Eric Meet Again
Seven years after Ravenna’s death, King William of Tabor (Sam Claflin) comes across Eric and informs him that the Magic Mirror was stolen and taken to a place known as Sanctuary. Eric reluctantly sets off with Nion and Gryff – two of Snow White’s allies – to find the Mirror, unaware that Freya has been secretly observing their conversation through a mask that helps her take the form of a white owl.
On their way, the trio are attacked by Freya’s huntsmen but are rescued by Sara whom Eric is dumbfounded to find alive. She hates him, thinking that he simply walked away and abandoned her. Hence, Eric was able to conclude that her death was a vision created by Freya to trick him. He reveals that he never stopped loving Sara, and they agree to work together.
Their Dangerous Quest
The group reaches Sanctuary and defeat the goblins who possess the Magic Mirror, only to be attacked by Freya. She instructs Sara to kill Eric, who in turn reluctantly fires an arrow into Eric’s chest. Freya departs with the Mirror, and recites a spell that causes a golden liquid to emerge and transform into Ravenna!
Freya would later realise that Ravenna only loves herself after she learns of the terrible secret she had been hiding all along, and that she is determined to rule all kingdoms, including hers!
What will happen between this two sister queens? Who will prevail over whom? Is Eric really dead or did Sara make it appear so? Who will win the magic battle and what secrets of the past will be revealed?
The answers to these probing questions must be answered by you…..when you see the movie!