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OMG! Soldiers Arrest Teen Boko Haram Member (Photo)

Soldiers on in­ternal security operation in the North Cen­tral part of the country have arrested a teenage member of the Boko-Haram sect.

The boy, according to the Director, Defence In­formation, was arrested during a cordon-and-search operation at Any­ibe in Logo Local Gov­ernment Area of Benue State.

Two rifles, three lo­cally fabricated pistols and 61 rounds of special ammunition were said to have been recovered from the teenager during the operation.

The arrested gang member was also said to be undergoing interroga­tion in custody.

Similarly, The DHQ has also announced the recovery of five guns, three locally fabricated pistols and two revolv­ers from the hideouts of an armed gangs at Hukke and Reweinko, in Pla­teau State.

Other items recovered by the soldiers during the operation include Impro­vised Explosive Device (IED) making materials, 45 live cartridges, vari­ous calibres of ammuni­tion, bows and arrows and other items such as cutlasses, axes and dig­gers.

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