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Pandemonium broke out in Enugu, when an eight-year-old girl, allegedly committed suicide.


An attempt made on Tuesday to unravel why the young girl killed herself yielded no success as no one could give  any reason behind the alleged suicide.

A resident, who pleaded anonymity, said the girl was full of life in the morning of the fateful day.

“I am terribly surprised because I saw that girl playing with other children when I was going to the market in the morning.

“I wonder what will make a girl of eight to commit suicide. Another thing that surprise me is that the two legs of the victim were touching the ground, which is not normal when one commits suicide; the legs should be up.

“I urge the police and relevant security agencies to investigate that alleged suicide. Even the rope on the neck of the victim is not strong enough to kill her,” the source said.

A relative of the deceased, Mr. David Ajibo, who she was living with before her demise said: “This girl has been staying with us since her father died. I am shocked. I don’t know what to say. Only God knows what happened.

“She was hale and hearty when I left the house in the morning and I wonder what will make a small girl of eight to commit suicide,” Ajibo said.

The Police Public Relations Officer in Enugu State, Mr. Ebere Amaraizu, while confirming the incident said: “The police have commenced investigations into the sudden and unnatural death that occurred last Monday at about 3.20pm, at Ofulonu Nsukka, where a little girl of about eight years hanged herself to death in the bathroom.

“The corpse of the deceased is now at Bishop Shanahan Mortuary, Nsukka.”


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