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#PNN E-MENTORING (kayla chanai): 13 Facts Teenagers Should Know About Sex

Hello everyone, last week’s topic on how to protect yourself from unwanted sexual acts was quite interesting and it was good to read your responses. However, there was a lovely question from a teen that struck me. She asked “what if she was the one wanting the touch”? It was remarkable because it shows that we all acknowledge the fact that sex is an issue to be discussed and that you have certain questions in your heart regarding your emotions that you would love to have answers to. As part of the answer to questions on your mind about sex, I would love to lay some foundations which we would build on subsequently. Some you are already familiar with and some maybe not.

For teens, the mere thought of sex can be overwhelming. There is so much to think about, so much to worry about, and so much that can go wrong. Whether you are sexually active or not, knowing the facts about what sex is, and what it is not, is very important.

Sex is…

  • A milestone; you only get one chance to lose your virginity in your entire life. Once it’s gone, you can never get it back.
  • Risky; you can get pregnant, catch a sexually transmitted infection, have your heart broken or your ego bruised, or feel let down and disappointed when it is over.
  • Both physical and emotional in nature; don’t fall into the deception of “No strings attached”.
  • Not to be taken lightly or treated as recreation or sport.
  • Best when it is a personal expression of care between two people who are in a fully committed legal relationship
  • Messy and full of strange things, and sometimes embarrassing

Sex is NOT…

  • A way to make somebody love you or make a commitment to you.
  • A test of your love for your partner: If someone truly loves you, he/she would not require you to give yourself to prove it. True love is unconditional.
  • A measure of how mature or grown up you are
  • A good way to get back at your parents or assert your independence
  • A leisure activity
  • Always fun or enjoyable, sometimes you will wonder if it was really worth it
  • Does not help you deal with loneliness

Remember, when you have sex for the wrong reasons you hurt yourself.

Is there anymore thing about sex you’d want to know? Please leave your questions in the comments, and you can be sure to have speedy response from me.

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