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School to rerun five-hour exam because students were allowed to take toilet break

An entry exam for one of France’s top legal schools is to be rerun because some candidates were allowed to go to the toilet during the five-hour test.

Toulouse University confirmed on Monday that one of the examinations for would-be entrants to its law school would have to be taken again by every candidate because a sympathetic supervisor allowed some desperate students to take a comfort break.

The show of compassion came after a female student, unable to hold out any longer, gave up altogether and fled the exam room in tears.

University authorities deemed that the supervisor had “exceeded his authority” and may have handed the students allowed to visit the bathroom an unfair advantage in light of the contemporary prevalence of cheating through smartphones.

The exam will be held again on 5 October and this time the students would have been warned: make sure you’ve gone before you sit down and be ready to cross your legs for the duration!

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