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SHOCKING: 35 Secondary School Students Arrested For Cultism In Osun

The officials of the Nigeria Peace Corps apprehended thirty five secondary school students in the capital city of Osun state, Osogbo, for alleged involvement in cult related activities.

According to report, the suspects were between 13 and 16 years of age. Various weapons including charms, catapults, broken bottles and Indian hemp weighing 25 kg were recovered from them.

The commandant of the Nigeria Peace Corps, Ayinde Paul Kayode, revealed that the students were apprehended while attending meetings in various schools in the city. They are Christ Apostolic Church Middle School, St Marks High School St James High School.

Suspected cultists have reportedly dispossessed their fellow students of items such as handsets, books, cash, among others. The corps is currently checking if there are any accomplices of the suspects among the teachers.

Ayinde further noted that the state chairman of the Parents Teachers Association (PTA), Dr Ademola Ekundayo, joined efforts with the corps to ensure the arrest of the suspected cultists.

The commandant said the corps would also collaborate with the PTA in the state to rehabilitate the students with a view to making them useful to the society. 

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