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Student,19, drags step-mother to court for criminal intimidation


A student, Joy Benjamin, 19, of Aso, Mararaba on Wednesday dragged her step-mother, Esther, 34, before a Grade 1 Area Court, Aso Pada over alleged criminal intimidation and defamation of character.

In her complaints, the student told the court that Esther, who married her father after her mother died, maltreats her.

“Due to the maltreatment, I decided to leave my father’s house to another location in Aso `B’.

“Shortly after I left, my father died due to lack of care. She sold my father’s properties after he died.

“When I challenged her on the sale of my father’s properties, she insulted me and accused me of killing my father,” she said.

She also accused her step-mother of attempting to change name on her father’s land documents.

The defendant, while addressing the court, said, “This is a family matter and we will resolve it amicably.’’

The Presiding judge, Mr Albert Maga, adjourned the case to Jan. 15, 2014 for either a report of settlement or continuation of hearing.

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