
Teachers’ pets more likely to get higher scores, study finds

When it comes to you succeeding at school, being the teacher’s pet really does go a long way.

A team of German researchers compared the personalities of teachers with their students before asking the tutors to rate each pupil.

They discovered that when the teachers and students shared similar traits, the teacher was more likely to rate the student higher than children who weren’t as like-minded.

The study was led by research scientist Tobias Rausch from Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg.

Mr Rausch and his colleagues asked 94 German teachers and 293 of their students across 72 classrooms to complete personality questionnaires.

‘Students who are similar to their teacher are judged more positively than students who are dissimilar, even when students’ test performance is controlled.

Related Article: How To Become Your Teacher’s Favourite Student

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