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Top 5 Amazing Teen Millionaire Entrepreneurs: You Too Can Be

 Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber, perhaps one of the most famous teenagers turned millionaire entrepreneurs, branched out from his pop star status to the tech field, holding a stake in a handful of companies as a venture capital investor. Last year FORBES measured his two years earnings at about $108 million.

Nick D’Aloisio

At 17, D’Aloisio — a prodigy app developer — sold his news summarisation app, Summly, to Yahoo! for $30 million. He is now a full time employee at the company.

Brian Wong

Hired to run business development at Digg (at age 19), Wong went on to found mobile rewards network called Kiip that proved a game-changer in mobile advertising. So far the company has taken in over $15 million in capital investment.

Cameron Johnson

Cameron Johnson started his first business at age 9, making invitations for his family’s parties. Several businesses later — selling Beanie Babies, internet ad space and greeting cards — and his net worth had surpassed the $1 million mark before he’d finished secondary school.

Madison Robinson

With over $1 million in sales, 15-year-old Madison Robinson’s Fish Flops apparel company sets her well on her way to millionaire status. Like any good entrepreneur, she diversified into t-shirts, hats, apps and even writes her own children’s books.



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