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    • #84470

      Welcome to the Passnownow Meet & Greet forum! Introduce yourself, network and make worthwhile connections. 


      Welcome to the largest online learning platform in Nigeria and like most platforms the Passnownow community has some basic ground rules. Please help us create a healthy learning environment by respecting the following standards when using Passnownow:

      • Be polite.
      • Treat your fellow learners with respect.
      • Insulting, condescending, or abusive words will not be tolerated.
      • Do not harass other learners.
      • Polite debate is welcome as long as you are discussing the ideas, not attacking the person.
      • Be sensitive.
      • You may not post inappropriate (e.g., pornographic or obscene) content.
      • Do not advertise or promote outside products or organizations.
      • Do not spam the forums with repetitive content.
      • Posts that violate this Code may be deleted or made invisible to other students by any forum moderator.

      Students who repeatedly break these rules may be removed from the course and/or may lose access to the Passnownow site.

    • #145141
      Sparkling dominic

      i am new here
      and i will like to know more about this forum

    • #265445
      Thomas Anderson

      Hello, Sparkling Dominic. Nice to meet you. If you’re a newbie, you should join uno online to connect other players and adapt fast with this comunity.

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