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Why I Really Need To Be Assertive As A Teenager.

Many adults wonder when they see traces of assertiveness in their young girls and boys, they interpret their  assertiveness as being rude or a sign of disrespect, Hell No! It is not so.

Assertiveness means standing up for your personal rights, ability to express thoughts, feelings and beliefs in honest and appropriate ways.

Assertiveness is the quality of being self assured and confident without being aggressive. It is the means of encouraging others to be open and honest about their views, wishes and feelings without fear.

Assertiveness is a personal and inter personal skill that enables a person to stand or act in their own interest without undue anxiety, to express honest feelings comfortably and to express personal rights without denying the rights of others.

Aggressiveness is the means of behaving in an actually hostile way. It is readiness to engage in daring or difficult activities. It is the state of being forceful.

Passiveness is non assertiveness, it is a means of complying with the wishes of others and this can undermine individual’s right and self confidence.

Why I Need To Be Assertive

If  you have been wondering what everyone else think of you, Put those worries aside for now because here are few good reasons why becoming assertive should be at the top of your to-do list.

  1. It improves your relationship with others
  2. A better Self image: It is true that sometimes expressing an unpopular opinion or saying NO to a request will make you a little less popular for the moment, but in the long run, assertive people usually earn the respect of others and as a result begin to have more respect for themselves.
  3. Freedom:Being in control of your own life and deciding for yourself what to do and not to do, allows you to have a sense of freedom and control that a passive person just doesn’t have.
  4. Decreased Anxiety: Assertive people are much less anxious and tense in uncomfortable situations. When you become more comfortable expressing your opinions or saying no, you are never anxious about anything that comes your way.

How to be Assertive

To be assertive, a person should follow the points below:

  1. Insist your right should be respected
  2. Have the ability to question rules and traditions that don’t make sense or fair on people.
  3. Learn to speak up when you have an idea
  4. Stand up on your opinion and stick to them
  5. Refuse request when they are unreasonable
  6. Accept both compliment and feed back



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