
With These Tips, You and What You Offer Will Be Unforgettable

A poet once said “…people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Hence, to be on people’s minds and be unforgettable, you must become part of what they consider valuable, and make them feel same way.

Don’t be known as that person who just likes to get their way, you should strive to be more interested in others and purposeful about the things you do and say. Interested in giving it a go? Consider these tips. 

1. Always Seek To Connect

How do you go about doing this? Begin by asking questions, and genuinely try to learn more about your customer’s problems, concerns and needs before you even mention what you are offering.

Ask yourself: When I visit the doctor’s office, what is the first thing he does? He doesn’t just prescribe a solution, does he? No, he asks you first about what troubles you, then finds a solution to your specific troubles. Apply this yourself! Customising always builds memorable relationships.

2. Be a Story Teller

“Once upon a time is the key that opens a child’s imagination” yet not just a child, but that of every human; because not only do we remember stories, they transform us too. So, offer true-life examples of how what you offer has helped others, don’t just tell, show too!

You could even use your personal experiences to enhance the bond you have with others, and stories have a unique power of moving people to action, especially towards the direction you desire.

3. Speak the Truth Always

You are as credible as your word, so guard it jealously. Endeavour to be honest in all situations, and always tell the truth even if it will cost you the sale.

Your client will appreciate and remember your honesty, and even if they don’t buy, they are more likely to recommend you to others or use your services in the future. The truth may occasionally hurt, but dishonesty is always destructive.

4. Say NO If You Must

A famous quote goes: “When two partners always agree, one of them is not necessary.” Hence, a sure way to be forgotten quickly is to be known as a yes-man or woman.

If you see a problem, speak up. If you know something won’t work, say No and offer your opinion on why that is so. It’s better to be a trusted adviser than someone with a fawning personality.

5. Dare To Be Different

Do something out of the ordinary that your customer would never expect. It wouldn’t hurt to call each of them by name, and remember something personal about them, that would please them if mentioned or acted upon.

Stand out from the crowd by dressing differently from everyone else. Dress up and choose flattering colours and patterns. Wear a fashionable pair of shoes, socks, scarf or anything that adds a bit of elegance to your style.

6. Never Settle For Less

In today’s competitive world, just about anyone can match or beat whatever you are offering. But one of the best ways to be remembered is to go above and beyond normal expectations. Try to look for ways to constantly improve your customers’ experience and always be professional.

7. Be Helpful

Ever heard the saying that “The way to get what you want is to help others get what they want”? Help, make introductions, and recommend others. Share information with others and help them succeed, even without being asked, and they will remember you and be grateful for years to come.

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