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December 4, 2015


What’s your colour? Blue? Pink? Brown? Whatever it may be, wouldn’t it interest you to find out what psychologists say are the predominant personalities of people who love the colour, and whether you agree with them or not? And we introduce to you the colours in no specific order…… BLACK Those who love blacks are

What Your FAVOURITE COLOUR Says about Your PERSONALITY Read More »

Classwork Exercise and Series (Biology- SS3): Nervous Co-ordination

Introduction To Nervous Co-rdination The behavior of an animal in its environment to maintain itself depends on the coordination of its organ systems. Without co-ordination of various organ systems, various physiological processes would work in a haphazard way, without linking together activities. The linking together in time and space of various activities of an animal

Classwork Exercise and Series (Biology- SS3): Nervous Co-ordination Read More »

Classwork Series and Exercises {ICT- JSS3}: Application Programs/Packages

Definition Of Application Packages Application packages can be defined as the ready made software or program designed in a standardized form for solving various problems that are common to users. They are written by users themselves or acquired from manufacturers as packages come in various format on compact disc (CD/DVD) or available on developer or

Classwork Series and Exercises {ICT- JSS3}: Application Programs/Packages Read More »

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