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Madam Koi Koi: The MOST FEARED Woman in Boarding Schools

If you have ever attended boarding school, or are currently in one, you must have heard of the legend of Madam Koi Koi. Who was she, and how did she come about the name?

It was said that the woman who later came to be known as Madam Koi Koi was a fashionable teacher in one of the Federal Government Colleges – the exact one, no one knows – that her trademark fashion statement were lips painted blood red, which was equally matched with a pair of red-coloured high-heel shoes. They made the customary koi koi ka ka as she walked on the concrete floor to and from her classes.

But she was just as hostile, as she was fashionable. She beat students up at the slightest fault – usually hot slaps, rapping wooden rulers across their knuckles, or beating with a thin cane that had been soaked in a mixture of ogogoro and alligator pepper. Oh! How she was hated by students, who plotted to have her sacked. This they succeeded in doing when the PTA pressured the school authority to fire her after a certain student she slapped ruptured her eardrum, and whose parents were very influential.

As a result, she was relieved of her job though she was very bitter about it. Upon packing her belongings and making her way home – because she lived in the staff quarters, she was involved in an accident and died. But before she died, she vowed with her very last breath to avenge the ill done her. The affected girl was later withdrawn from the school by her parents, but Madam Koi Koi it seems has been on the hunt for her ever since – coming out only at night because her face was badly damaged in the accident, being a fashionable person.

And her hatred was not only reserved for the girl, but for every boarding house student – since they were the ones who plotted her sack, and whom to her are representative of the worst sort of students ever! Hence, students were enjoined to stay indoors at night after Lights Out – for that was the hour of her haunt.

But most people believe the legend of Madam Koi Koi was spun to keep students in bed after Lights Out, and deter them from wandering at night. But some students who are light sleepers swear that if you listen close enough, you can still hear the koi koi koi click of this bitter, vengeful woman’s red heels on the concrete pavement as she seeks whom to devour.

Is this true, or it’s just another legend? What do you think?


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