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March 11, 2016

MLW 2016: The 13 Year Old Who Wants To Change the Way You Learn

Manon Van Hoorebeke is a 13 year old from Belgium, who was named European Digital Girl of the Year in 2014, and is the youngest panelist at UNESCO flagship ICT in education event, Mobile Learning Week 2016 – #MLW2016 – as part of a panel discussing  relevance of learning. In an interview after the event,

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Does Cell Phone Usage Really Cause Cancer and Brain Tumours?

The simple truth is that talking or texting on a cell phone uses the same kind of radio frequency radiation you would find in a microwave, Yahoo! reports. It is comprised of frequencies, modulation patterns, and other characteristics that make it biologically disruptive. That disruption may cause serious health problems for us. Cell phone radiation

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Improve Your Reading Skills – Develop Speed Reading Skill

Faster Reading Skills It is important to develop the skill known as Speed Reading. To improve your reading speed, we recommend the following: Don’t read a text ‘word-by-word’: Read the words in their natural grammatical or sense groups. For example: The brave woman /ordered the men/to attack at once. Don’t point to the words with

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