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April 13, 2016

As Students, Are STUDY DRUGS Beneficial To You In Any Way?

Have you ever heard classmates of yours talk about drinking coffee, energy drinks or even taking prescription drugs just so they can remain active enough to study for longer hours? What do you make of this? Does the end justify the means? Or do you think it is just plain harmful? Why not let’s consider […]

As Students, Are STUDY DRUGS Beneficial To You In Any Way? Read More »

Classwork Series and Exercises {Agricultural Science – JSS2}: Husbandry Of Selected Crops

Agricultural Science, JSS 2, Week 1 Topic: Husbandry of Selected Crops Contents Meaning of Crop Husbandry Selected crops (maize) Crop Husbandry simply means careful management of the establishment, growth and harvesting of crops Cereals  – Maize,Botanical Name: Zea mays Land Preparation  Clearing of land Stumping should be done Land should be harrowed Ridges can also

Classwork Series and Exercises {Agricultural Science – JSS2}: Husbandry Of Selected Crops Read More »

Classwork Series and Exercises {Basic Tech – JSS2}: Kinetic Energy

Basic Tech JSS 2 Week 1 Topic: Kinetic Energy Introduction Matter contains very tiny particles such as atoms, molecules or ions. These particles are always in continuous random motion. The energy which these particles possess that enable them move about is called kinetic energy. The word kinetic is derived from the Greek word “kineo” which

Classwork Series and Exercises {Basic Tech – JSS2}: Kinetic Energy Read More »

Classwork Series and Exercises {JSSI Third Term – Civic Education}: Democracy

Civic Education, JSS 1 Week Topic: Democracy Contents: Meaning of Democracy Types of Democracy Places of Popular Participation Characteristics of Democracy How Democracy works Democracy Democracy can be defined as a government of the people, by the people and for the people in ordinary terms. Democracy is further defined as (a:) “government by the people;

Classwork Series and Exercises {JSSI Third Term – Civic Education}: Democracy Read More »

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