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July 28, 2016

The Secret Behind How Entrepreneurs Can Take Their Ideas From Dreams To Reality

One of the worst mistakes an entrepreneur can make is to launch a product before they are ready. Not only will they lose credibility in the eyes of customers, their competitors will learn from these mistakes and use it to their own advantage. What’s more? Your competitors get to conserve their own resources until they are […]

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Did You Know That You Share a Lot in Common with Pigs?

Does it surprise you to read that pigs and humans share certain physiological and anatomical similarities when it comes to certain organs such as skin, the brain and also the heart? While pigs are most certainly not humans, as such, there are many differences between the two. Yet, among all animals, it is the anatomy

Did You Know That You Share a Lot in Common with Pigs? Read More »

Does being rich make you SMART? Academic success is linked to your parents’ wealth, study claims

Having rich parents doesn’t just buy an expensive education and exciting holidays abroad. It may also purchase more brainpower. A study found the children from wealthy families have bigger brains than their poorer counterparts. Brain regions key to academic success were particularly large, the journal Nature Neuroscience reports. Interestingly, the study also revealed that money

Does being rich make you SMART? Academic success is linked to your parents’ wealth, study claims Read More »

Parenting: How to Be Involved in Your Child’s Peer Relationships Without Being Controlling

As our kids grow up, we recognize that friends play bigger and bigger roles in their lives. Through their friends, kids figure out a lot about themselves and who they are becoming. Yet, young people who have trouble forming positive friendship relationships can struggle in many areas of their life. On the other hand, we

Parenting: How to Be Involved in Your Child’s Peer Relationships Without Being Controlling Read More »

Civic Education – Inter-communal Relationship

CIVIC SS2 WEEK 6 Topic: Relationship II: Inter-communal Relationship Contents: Meaning of Inter-communal Relationship Importance of Inter-communal Relationship Skills needed for Resolving Inter-communal Conflicts 1. Meaning of Inter-communal Relationship Inter-communal Relationship is a relationship which exists between two or more communities. One of the main objectives of any good government is to bring government close

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Classwork Series and Exercises {Commerce – SS3}: Structure of Business

SS 3 Commerce Topic: Structure of Business Contents  Span of Control Factors Determining Span of Control Inter and Intra-Departmental Communication. Factors to be Considered in Choosing a Communication System. SPAN OF CONTROL Span of control can also be called span of management.  It refers to the number of personnel or subordinates a manager can manage

Classwork Series and Exercises {Commerce – SS3}: Structure of Business Read More »

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