
August 9, 2016

Science Explains the Reason Your Hands Get Wrinkly After Exposure To Water

Dip your hands in water long enough, either while washing dishes or clothes, and you will notice the skin on your hands has become wrinkly! That’s so very true! I can hear you gasp. But have you ever wondered why this is especially so, considering how skin covering the rest of your body and which you

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Grammar Clinic: Determiners {Quantifiers and Pre-determiners}

Grammar: Determiners Determiners are words which come at the beginning of the noun phrase. They tell us whether the noun phrase is specific or general. Determiners are a group of words which include articles (a, the), demonstratives (this, those), possessive adjectives (my, their), numbers (one, two), and other words (any, both) that come before a

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August, The Month Whose Length Was Increased To Please an Emperor

August is the eighth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar – which we use -, and was originally named Sextillus because it was the sixth month in the ancient Roman calendar.  The Eighth Month After Julius Caesar’s grandnephew, Augustus, defeated Marc Antony and Cleopatra and became emperor of Rome, the Roman Senate decided that

August, The Month Whose Length Was Increased To Please an Emperor Read More »

Classwork Series and Exercises {Business Studies – JSS2}: Aids to Trade

Business Studies JSS2 Week 8 Topic: Aids To Trade Contents: Meaning of Aids to Trade Roles of Custom and Excise in Foreign Trade A. Definitions Aids to trade: Aids to trade are the services that make trade easy to carry out. Examples are Banking, insurance, Advertising, Warehousing, Transportation etc. Banking: This is the process of

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Classwork Exercise and Series (Geography – SS1): Eclipse, Dawn and Twilight

Geography, SS1, Week 5 Topic: Eclipse, Dawn and Twilight Eclipse Eclipse is formed when the three bodies- sun, earth and the moon are in straight line during movement f the earth. The moon revolves round the earth once in every twenty seven days (a month), the earth and the moon travel together, making a complete

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Classwork Series and Exercises {Basic Science – JSS1}: Meaning of Science

Basic Science JSS 1 Week 2 Topic: Meaning of Science Introduction Science can be defined as the knowledge obtained by observation and testing of facts. It can also be referred to as the knowledge about the structure and behavior of the natural and physical world based on facts that can be prove such as an

Classwork Series and Exercises {Basic Science – JSS1}: Meaning of Science Read More »